Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Searching COS

Well, I've spent quite a while on the website and haven't really found a lot of things that would be of a particular interest for me....
Here are some of the ones that sounded pretty exciting:

1.International Peace Scholarship Fund
The P.E.O. International Peace Scholarship (IPS) Fund was established in 1949 to provide scholarships for international women students to pursue graduate study in the United States and Canada.

(However, it's only $10,000)

2. Editorial, Design, and Video Internships in Educational Media
Educational Media offers three distinct 12-month internships that are designed for recent college graduates in design, education, art history, video, or related fields who want to participate in the production of print, online, and video publications created for families, teachers, students, and the general museum public. The internships will be multidisciplinary, but each intern will concentrate on developing editorial, design, or video skills. The intern participates in the two-week Summer Internship $25,000

3. Congressionally Mandated - One-time Grants Program for Academic Programs - Competition A
This competition is one of two competitions that the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs is conducting as directed in the FY- 2009 Omnibus Appropriation (P.L. 111-8) under Division H of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, under Educational and Cultural Exchange Programs in support of a $6 million competitive one-time grants program. The Office of Academic Programs will accept proposals for the following one-time special initiatives.

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