It was supposed to be me and my 3 stoner friends all dressed up like the "pilgrim" looking dudes on the box....but because we didn't plan ahead 2 of them dropped out. So it was just me and my boy Bryan and on the day OF halloween we managed to conjure up some RANDOM ass pieces of clothing for our costume. It consisted of a black shall, a black cape, 2 hats (1 pilgrim hat and 1 Zorro hat!) and thats it. We looked so ghetto that no1 knew of our original intentions to be a Dutchmaster....every1 thought we just looked like pilgrims....BUT this year Ima definitely do it up better. Me and my friend Marcel are gonna go as everyone's favorite stoner...Cheech and Chong!! It's gonna be so awesome. Im gonna shop at a thrift store for our gear, Marcel already has the Cheech mustache growin in, and I have to hit up a beard and wig store for my Chong ensemble. And we're goin to a VICE magazine party in Willyburg thats gonna be sick! A free open bar all nite, Bad Brains and Peanut Butter Wolf are performing as well as other bands, a skate mini ramp INISDE the loft which spans 2 floors! It's gonna be a fun nite indeed! =D

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