Saturday, October 31, 2009

trick or treat!

it is halloween today! that means it is time to dress up like crazy, eat lots of candy, carve pumpkins, and party hard! and I did just that. I went home this weekend because I had an interview near home on Friday morning. So the rest of Friday I finished my costume and got ready for halloween. My suitemates and I were dressing up as the cast from Wizard of Oz. My sister is dorothy, deanne is the lion, elise is the tinman sarah the wicked witch, and i was glinda the good witch. Kelly was suppose to be the scarecrow but she had to work all night and didnt join us at the party... :(
Halloween morning we woke up late had lunch and I took my little sister trick or treating. She would get collect candy for herself and I helped collect donations for UNICEF. (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.) for her school.
People were very generous and donated money as well as giving candy.
After getting candy we went back home to hand out candy and carve our pumpkins. We made our jack-o-lanter into patrick from spongebob and my other sister did spongebob. They came out great and we lit them up after dinner.
Later that night my sister and our boyfriends took us back to stony where we were having our halloween party in the apartments. My suitemates had already decorated the place and it looked very fall/halloween festive.
My costume turned more into princess peach from nintendo supermario. but it didn't matter. everyones costume was great. It was a good turnout and the party was a success!
The tinman's costume was made with aluminum foil! so funny... at home I saw a hotdog, lots of disney princesses. There were a lot more homemade costumes on the street. still looked great though.

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