Sunday, October 25, 2009

Majors, majors, majors......

Ever since the end of last semester, i've been trying to find the right major. I entered stony brook with a bio major but i hate bio and chem classes so i dont want to stay in this major anymore. i know a lot of people who were bio maors and switched to other majors. i'm in the process of looking at different majors such as anthropology but i can't decide on one specifically. i've taken anthro classe and i like them but i cant picture myself doing any anthropology related things after graduation which makes me hestitant in picking this major, i dont want to me a anrtho professor nor do i want to do research in this field. everytime i go see an advisor, i get the same answer, that major doesn't necessarily corelate to career. then there's the whole B.S. or B.A. if i want to enter a science or healthcare field, it's perfer to get a B.S. so now i have to look for a major that's interesting, that i can get a B.S. and that I can get a job after graduation. i've realized that i can't pick a major solely becaude it's interesting. it has to be practical which makes this process so stressful because i dont want to end up choosing a major that i hate and regret senior year. and it also doesnt help that im running out of time to pick a major cause i need one by the end of this semester.

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