Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Interviews after interviews!

So just when I thought that the job markets were slowing down, and I wasn't going to find a job after graduation.... bamm! I get calls for 4 interviews all in the same week! I am really only looking forward to two of them. I love marketing which is what those jobs are about, while the other two jobs are management positions. I am really excited and I hope I get one of these. The only problem I keep running into is the fact that I have a limited access to a car. I share a car with my mom, and I live on campus. This week I was able to take the car and drive to my interviews but I can't keep the car here all semester.
This stirred up the idea in my dad's head that I need my own car. On Saturday my dad texted me and told me to start looking at cars.! woohoo!
Anyway, back to interviews. I had one last friday and it went great. I got there early. Once it was 9AM they made me wait 15 min in the waiting room. I got to read some binders on the company which was good, but then the interview went so fast, I was done in 15-20 min.
Next interview is tomorrow at 9:30am on campus. Target is conducting recruitment interviews all day. They consist of two - 45 min team interviews. that is 90 min long! I cannot image all the info that needs to be discussed in an hour and half.
After that I have to go home and prepare for an interview on Friday near home with Newsday. Then I have anothe interview with a small LI marketing consulting firm. anyways wish me luck!

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