Monday, October 5, 2009

21st Birthday

Last night (at the stroke of midnight) was my friends 21st birthday. So what did we do? We went to the local bar and bought her an assortment of shots. We got her shots of everything from Wild Turkey 101 to vodka cranberry. Needless to say, she was really wasted by the end of the night. She was standing on chairs in the bar and just making a scene. It's okay though because you only turn 21 once. She even went to her 10 o'clock class this morning. Now that is devotion to your school work! It's a tradition of ours to take all of our friends to Tara's in Port Jefferson on their 21st birthday. And they don't pay for a single drink. We all just drop a mint on the birthday boy/girl. Last year, we brought one of our other friends to Tara's on his 21st birthday and by the end of the night we got him so drunk that we had to wheel him home in a shopping cart. It was hilarious. It got to the point where he forgot how to speak English (German is his first language).

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