Sunday, October 4, 2009


Why do people cheat? This is beyond me. The one thing that bothers me the most about people is dishonesty and cheating. Its never happened to me before but I know some of my friends that sneak around and act shady even though they are in a relationship...if you want to be single, but all means be single..don't act like youre available one day when that person isnt around and then be an angel when that person is...its bothers me to the point of disgust...just be honest with yourself and others..there's no need to hide what you want and who you are...if you're messing around..tell it like it is or just be honest with that opinions about others change and I start to lose respect and trust for them...its not the way I was raised...if you're not happy...fix it...just dont go sneaking around and then act like youre innocent and are not doing anything wrong....its hard wathcing youre friends fall and not seeing what they are doing and how its affecting others and how they see you and the people that you are around...slowly as the years past, people start to change or maybe they haven't changed and theyve been like this all along but you just didnt see it or choose not to see it or it was blinded by something else..maybe this is them and you refuse to believe it...i do believe that people have good intentions for eveything that they do and even if there is selfishness in their actions...they want to do it to help others and to make sure others are happy and are comfortable and taken care of...maybe i am naiive to think that the world behaves like that or that i want to...theres nothing worth more than having the complete trust of others and keeping it and being genuine about it

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