Friday, October 23, 2009

first interview

I just had my first interview today. I drove to the office and got there 15 min early. I rang the door bell like the sign says to and i got no response. I am standing outside in the windy morning and I am getting cold. I then rang it again and I got a response this time. The lady on the other line says "hi" and I say Hi back. She was expecting me to state my reason for being there and I just stood there. She then replies "who are you!?" in a rude manner.
I say "stephanie, i'm here to interview with ed."
She comes to open the door for me. I was a little annoyed that I got treated that way just to get into the interview. She insures me that she told Ed i was there and he will be with me. It is now 950 and I sit down waiting in the waiting room. I look around and see a binder full of information. I take a glance at it and before I know it it is 915! Ed finally comes out and greets me with no sorry for being late. Whatever. Now im more annoyed.
But i have to brush all emotions aside and put on a "happy to be here face".
I go flying through the interview... he tells me that I did great and he will set up another interview at a different location. He asked me to sign a criminal background check and all that so I think i pretty much got the job. I just wrote him a thank you letter through email and he hasn't emailed me when the next interview will be but hopefully it will go just as well.

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