Friday, October 23, 2009

The Power of fear...

I was talking to my friend yesterday and we were walking around campus after my test. And the Olympics came up in our conversation. We talked about which sports we watch and then I said that I wished that the Olympics would have been hosted by Chicago instead of Brazil. What she said next surprised me. She goes, "I would never go if it was here. I'm glad that it's not the U.S. hosting it because the terrorists and Bin Laden would do something. They're just waiting to do something. " I'm like are you serious? I would go to the Olympics if it was hosted here, that's pretty cool to actually go to the Olympics and see the events in person instead of through a tv screen. I would never want to live in a bubble or be scared of doing anything just because there's a "threat" from terrorists. There's always going to be people who want to do harm but we shouldn't let them win by playing into their fear.

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