Monday, October 5, 2009

silence...friend or enemy?

I would consider myself a loner most of the time and the reason why I choose to be is because I love the silence. Maybe some tv in the background or the sounds of my fingers hitting the keyboard but there's no one else to take away the loudness of my thoughts. I dont think that I can reach out to as many people as others can, and for that I simply collect many acquaintances instead of friends. Time and work is an issue that goes along with a lack of a social life, but I don't mind it because it's very hard for people to fully understand my thought process. I'm contradicting, confusing and messy up there and I try to present it in a tidy fashion up, close and personal. When I do go for advice or help from a friend, I don't believe they can give me an answer that is constructive or unique enough that I couldn't guess myself. Instead of informing them more, or transforming the acquaintances, I keep it inside, and I hear the silence.

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