Wednesday, October 21, 2009

why is everything spinning

This past week has been one of the most difficult for me. I never knew so much stress can pile up on a person within a week. How is it that I had perfect control of my time and work and now i have totally lost that control. From school to work I wonder if next week will prove better. I look towards the near future and just see deadlines and exams all at the same time. Placing myself in too many things at the same time have finally caught up to me. There are two things to do when life spins you in circles: give up and let it throw you anywhere or turn your head like a dancer so you keep focus on the one thing because eventually the spinning will end and you do not want to forget or lose the thing you initially set your eyes on. For me, I am going to try the latter and keep my turning so i can stay focused on one point.

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