Saturday, October 3, 2009

the awkward past

I took two friends of mine who are studying abroad at Stony this semester into Port Jefferson for lunch today, and we went to eat at a place I go to quite a bit, and for the second time in a month, I've seen a girl from my high school graduating class working there. This is someone who I was never particularly close with, but we're friends on Facebook (her add - like this means anything, of course) and never had any bad blood between each other. Yet, every single time I go in there and she's there, she completely ignores me. In fact, I'm pretty sure she'll switch with someone in case she's supposed to take the table I'm at.

Now, unless there's some event that took place I'm unaware of where we had some massive falling out from our indifferent acknowledgment of each other that resulted in us still being Facebook friends, I'm left a bit confused by this entire situation. We catch each others eyes, and then turn away quickly and make ourselves busy with something else. It makes for an altogether awkward situation and I wish it wasn't that way. Even a "Hey! How are you?" would suffice, I reckon - but oh well. It doesn't surprise me, I was always treated like a second class citizen in high school since I wasn't wearing Abercrombie & Fitch and getting drunk off wine coolers with my fellow classmates on the weekends. So, maybe this is for the best. But still, it would be nice if next time I go in there I get a smile instead of being ignored.

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