Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Be careful who you trust

One has to wonder what fraction of all text on reads contains pure truth. Everyone knows to suspect advertisements of falsifying data. Although probably not EVERYONE knows this since there is still an ample market for such ridiculous products such as take this pill, sit on your ass, and get a hot body. I hope most people know to be suspect of everything written in the news or said on the news. Statistics should also be taken with a grain of salt as anyone who has taken a statistics class should know that you can pretty much make them say whatever it is you want. Being such a skeptic about pretty much any news that reaches my ears gets me into a lot of arguments. I don't ever intentionally watch the news or read newspapers, I don't really see the point. I understand that it is important to be informed about what is going on in the world but the only people I really trust with my news are John Steward and Steve Colbert. They are openly sarcastic about what is going in the world. After watching their shows I leave laughing instead of scared to leave my house because there have been so many murders and so many muggings the night before.

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