Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Blogging is kind of a bizarre thing. I'm not so sure anyone reads most of the blogs out on the internet, yet tons of people blog and more are starting everyday. I never blogged before it was required for this class, although I was a recent fan and follower of several blogs I had stumbled upon over the summer. I am not so sure I enjoy blogging and will probably not continue on with it after the semester is over. I have come to realize that my life (and most other people's lives as well) are simply not interesting enough to require their own blog. Due to the requirement of a daily blog entry, I often find myself writing about whatever I am doing at he moment (example: this post). My daily life consists of school, school work, and work. No one wants to hear about these things so I am banking on the fact that no actually reads these blogs and if anyone does, I but they regret wasting 3minutes of their time reading about my mixed up relationship with blogging.

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