Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Ms. Kim Stanton
Grants Operations Branch
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Rockledge II, Room 7167
6701 Rockledge Drive
Bethesda, M.D. 20892

September 28, 2009

To Ms. Kim Stanton,
Obesity is a growing epidemic which is affecting Americans more and more each year. The rate of weight-related diseases and premature death increased exponentially each year as a direct result of our, (Americans) lack of care and concern for our overall health and wellness. As an attempt to rid our society of this physical and mental disease, I am offering my knowledge, time, and innovative ideas to the research, studying, and implementation of ways to deal with and eventually rid us of our obesity dilemma.
I am contacting your company in hopes that you will consider me as a potential candidate for funding, as I begin my research studies pertaining to the overall health of obese Americans, most specifically, obese children. As our society grows technologically, we involve ourselves in video games, television consumption, computer skills, and other nonphysical entities and as a result, our waistlines also expand. It is clear that children are exposed to such behavior, as they mimic their elders and risk their own lives as a part of the overweight trend.
I believe that by using sociological, psychological, as well as physical fitness studies, I will best be able to understand the reasoning behind these growing children. With so many children at risk for weight-related diseases and even near death due to weight issues, there is a desperate need for research under this topic.
With the financial assistance of your firm, willing participants, and my interest and research experimentation, I believe a cause and possible treatment for this overweight epidemic can be found. Once my research and experiments are conducted, a presentation will be submitted, and a follow-up will be implemented. I would appreciate you considering me for your grant research. Please contact me for further information and inquiries.
Thank you,
Amie Lun

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