Tuesday, October 6, 2009


September 29, 2009

To Etta Saltos,

There seems to be a growing epidemic plaguing the American population today. The haunting and lingering issue is the idea of obesity and strength of the impact it is leaving in American homes. It seems as if society and our culture are turning their heads on the growing numbers of obese citizens, more specifically our children. There are many factors that are contributing to this exponentially dangerous increase. America is the most obese nation in this world and there needs to be a means in preventing further obesity cases.

As a concerned citizen, I would like to take a closer look in researching the causes of this epidemic and educating the general public and make moves in putting an end to this growing problem. I would like to make an offer to your company by contributing my time and efforts into making a documentary piece that explores all the forces that influence this destructive habit and disease. I want to dive into the elements of the media and how media consumption has supported an obese nation. I am hoping that the end results of my documentary will reach a broad audience aiming at educating all demographics of this country. It will be a stepping stone in the movement to prevent the trends and patterns of obesity.

I believe that with your financial support and my dedication to this research project, I will be able to find hard hitting information that explains this growing occurrence. These unhealthy habits need to be broken. Research is necessary to best understand the roots of these contributing factors to an obese nation. Our country is growing at a rate faster than we can see and not in numbers but in waist size. We need to take proactive steps to encourage better eating habits at a younger age. If provided with the sufficient funds, I can use all means necessary to create a moving piece that will inspire others to take examine their lifestyle and make appropriate changes as well as forcing corporations to look at the messages that they are sending.

Once my research and experiments are conducted, a presentation will be submitted, and a follow-up will be implemented. I would appreciate you considering me for your grant research. Please contact me for further information and questions.
Thank you so much for you time,
Amie Lun

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