Tuesday, October 6, 2009

grant letter 1

September 22, 2009

Grants Management Branch
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
5635 Fishers Lane, Room 3021
Bethesda, MD 20892 – 9304
Dear Ms. Judy Fox,

Alcoholic decisions are causing big disturbances in many communities. It has been an issue when people 21 and older became involved in bad drinking behaviors, but now in today’s society we reached a dangerous problem. A young generation started to drink alcohol, which affects their lives and the people around them. Drinking at a young age can cause harm to the brain. I feel that underage drinking and decision-making is a leading concern in our country.

I propose to create a research and study adolescents’ decision-making processes and how they relate to drinking behavior. In this project I will connect teens and their role of neural circuitry development in the decisions they make related to alcohol abuse and dependence.

Just recently, I faced a bad decision-making due to adolescent drinking behaviors. Late at night a couple of weeks ago a loud party was going on a couple houses down the block. Between loud screams and music, there was yelling between two young men. A few seconds later glass had scattered, and the street broke into silence. The following day I received a letter in the mail from the Community Watch Program. The letter stated that around 3:00 AM someone had broke a resident’s car window. They asked if there was anyone with more information about this crime they should come forth, while the community further investigates this misdemeanor. I can only guess that those men broke the window.

In my research I will experiment with both male and female teens around the age of 16-25. In this age range they are considered independent and they start to become closer with their peers. This is also the time when they face a lot of peer pressure. I can observe influences family and friends have on alcohol abuse and dependence. I will create an examination that will test adolescents’ decisions under and above the influence of alcohol.

This experiment will need funding for supply expenses. The materials will include a computer to compute statistics, alcoholic drinks for consuming, and a breathalyzer to calculate how much alcohol is in the body.

The research can be conducted right here at the University using students from the college as well as high school students in the nearby area. Some funds may be needed to use as incentives for my research. The more teens I test in trials the more accurate I can get my results to be.

Thank you for your consideration and I am sure with the funding this research will run very well.


Stephanie Chiu

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