Tuesday, October 6, 2009

grant letter 2

September 22, 2009

Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities
66 Bridge Street
Northampton, MA 01060

Dear Ms. Hayley Wood,
Driving while intoxicated and under the influence is a big issue. The crime is not just drinking and getting behind the wheel, it is the result of hurting the people around you once you put the key into the ignition.
I propose to produce a documentary film on drunk drivers, the crime they commit, and the people they hurt. I will write the script myself, but the video will most likely consist of interviews, statistics, pictures, captions and music. A digital video camcorder and camera will be needed to produce images for the film, and a laptop with a program to make my own music and sound effects for the soundtrack, will also be needed. The location I choose to shoot the film will be scattered areas around Long Island. A suburban area will be more effective than an urban area, where people rely on taxis as their designated driver.
I take this issue very serious. I have lost a friend because of a drunk driver. A man was driving while intoxicated and crossed the double lines onto oncoming traffic crashing into my friend’s car, killing my friend and injuring 3 of my other friends in the car. This twice convicted drunk driver suffered minor injuries and will only serve 6 – 21 years in jail.
I want to create a documentary to show the harm DWI causes. I want to stop people under the influence from getting behind the wheel. Taking this step to becoming a leader in spreading awareness can cause a decrease in DWI accidents. Once the film is completed it can be shown in schools, community events, and universities. Creating this documentary into an educational film can teach students the negative effects of DWI and most importantly start to save lives.
Thank you for your consideration and I am sure with the funding this project will run very well.


Stephanie Chiu

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