Tuesday, October 6, 2009

grant letter 3

September 22, 2009

The Gleitsman Foundation
P.O.Box 6888
Malibu, CA 90264

To whom this may concern,
The problem we face on campus is alcohol abuse. Students think they are free to do whatever they want because they are living on their own away from home. The solution is to reduce the amount of alcohol related crimes.
I want to put a stop to drinking on America’s college campuses. I propose to create a student club on campus dedicated to the prevention of underage drinking, binge drinking, and drunk-driving on campus. The club will be called Students living above the influence (SLAI).
I want to take this challenge of bringing social change to one college campus at a time nationally. Turning a university into a dry campus will take a lot of work, but I know with my ambition, planning, intelligence, and the funds for this project I can make it happen.
Starting this club I will need some students on the board of committee to help me out. We will need funds to promote our new organization and run our program. I want to do more than just meet once a week. When a club gets involved in campus activities students recognize the importance of those clubs and their relations to what the event is. Therefore I plan to coordinate a weekly event to involve students to come out and get educated on alcohol. These events will be fun, educational, and free.
This club will be open to all students. Students who belong to a club are more likely to stay out of trouble because they have a place to hang out surrounded by people at least once a week, and they have the feeling of acceptance and love. At the meetings we can teach stress management, so students will not binge drink when a big exam is around the corner, and keep freshmen out of trouble by stopping them from picking up an alcoholic beverage.
After this club is up and running on its own, we can spread the club to other schools and we can join together for services to fund raise for donations, such as alcohol rehabilitation centers.
Alcohol is a dangerous substance to the body. It doesn’t just affect your behavior, such as drinking and driving, but it affects your health too, such as binge drinking can harm your liver, as well as underage drinking can affect your brain development.
Thank you for your consideration and I am sure with the funding this project will run very well.


Stephanie Chiu

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