Sunday, October 4, 2009

Halloween ideas!

so my roommates and i were planning our next big party, since we just finished recuperating from the past birthdays! We decided that it would be a Halloween party. I decided we should dress up as a group. So we sat and thought for a while about a theme that has 5-6 people. Spice girls came to mind and sounded like a good idea, but then one of my roommates was already a spice girl in the past. So she came up with ninja turtles, and I thought that was silly..
Later that night my roommate came down the hall skipping and singing "Because! Because! Becauseeeeee........!!!" and I was like that's it! We should be the cast from the Wizard of Oz!

And that's how it happened... we delegated each roommate a character, and we started to make costumes. I am going to be Glinda the good witch, Stacey is Dorothy, Elise is Tin man, Kelly is Scarecrow, Deanne is Lion.. and we don't know if Sarah wants to be the other witch.
Before we looked up costumes online, Elise's first idea was to wrap herself up with aluminum foil!
Then i showed her the adult sexy costume and she threw the foil out the window!

Halloween is a funny holiday. You dress up to be someone else.... the older you get the sillier and the less is better comes to play. You can go door to door taking candy from strangers, and being scary is fun. am i missing anything? maybe. comment and let me know!

I know you can't wait for this day too!

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