Sunday, October 4, 2009

RAFFLE! HELP needed!!!

So because of the low budgeting of the swimming and diving team ( Men's swimming - $0 and no scholarships or anything!) we came up with a fundraiser to raise the funding for the winter break training trip to Florida... That's probably going to be hard as hell but hell located in a paradise doesn't seem to be that bad so in order to slightly lower the costs that we have to pay ( which are extremely high so nobody wants to go!) we are selling raffle tickets now.
It's not an easy task especially for the people who aren't from here (like me). When you have relatives, friends of relatives, friends of friends of your relatives, colleagues or any other acquaintances it's obviously way easier to actually sell...Well, I have to sell mine primarily to complete strangers and it is extremely difficult to make that first step, go out there and actually try selling them.
One of the issues is the price- they are 10$ each. We have to sell a 1000 of them by November 1, because the month of November is when the drawings are taking place and one person out of 1000 is picked daily to win a $50,$100 or $150... So, that's about it...I still have lots of tickets to sell...
But I'm proud of what I've been able to accomplish so far. I've sold 10. Doesn't sound very exciting but it's a great number for me. I overcame my strongest fear of being rejected, walked up to people and tried my best. It did hurt when I got rejected at first, but the more you do it the more you get used to it... It seemed difficult and against my nature but there are certain things in life that you have to do and certain emotions you need to overcome.
So if you know anyone who'd buy one to help us out, refer them to me!;)

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