Monday, October 5, 2009

Homecoming Cops

Homecoming weekends are the best! Everyone gets together and has a good time watching some football. A lot of our Alumni came out this weekend and it was wonderful to catch up with them. Everyone was tailgating and having a good time and it would have been a perfect day if the cops didn't come and try to break it apart. Last year people were tailgating all day, drinking beer, playing pong, and just having a good time not causing any trouble. This year the same thing was happeing with the exclusion of pong and the cops find it necessary to ruin a good time. We weren't doing anything wrong and we still get yelled at. Just because the cops couldn't find anything to yell at us about shouldn't be an excuse for them to find something ridiculous to write us up for. Please, give me a break po po.

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