Sunday, October 4, 2009


FUN and a great new experience... These are the two major things I now associate with homecoming. Yeah, it was cool that so many alumni came over from all the different locations life's brought them too, united, enjoyed the game and had fun drinking and socializing. I went to the homecoming BBQ before the game and since I was one of the last people to pick up food they gave me a lot cause the staff needed to give it all away so I ended up having 5 sandwiches, 3 fruit salads, 2 coleslaws and 5 sodas;) It's not that I ate all of it, I decided to go back to my room and bring all that, so now I have lunch food for the next couple of days!!
The game was good and our players looked great on the field. At the beginning it was amazing how Stony Brook blasted and kept on running and bringing one touchdown after another. But it got a little boring after a while, because obviously the rival was not strong enough to oppose our team. Of course it was a win, and the difference in the points was huge 52-14... I know it's homecoming and they wanted to make sure SBU team'd win the game but it is exciting to watch a competition of equal forces rather than enjoying an obvious win over a weaker opponent.

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