Monday, October 5, 2009

i can't stand immaturity

the other night my suitemate invited her boy and his friends over. like their whole relationship i cant really stand because he is 3 years younger than her and treats her bad and he acts like a little boy. anyway he broke his arm in a car accident and so he has no way to get here to see her, that he relies on his friends to drive him places. So whenever she wants him to come over he brings his friends over, and when it gets late she goes to her room with him and his friends stay in our suite and tear it apart! they are loud abnoxious rude messy; to sum it up IMMATURE!
I really don't have the patients for immaturity and to babysit someone who is consider an adult!
The next morning I walk out to the suite and my suitemate tells me that the boys from the other night were eating everything in the kitchen and that if any of my food is missing she will replace it, and that there was gum on the couches and she would clean it up.. and it was just a mess. my other suitemate was hanging out with them and replaced the other suitemates beer from the fridge because the boys drank it without asking. She shouldnt have to do that.
All these things would not have happen if his friends did not come. I just makes no sense for him to bring his friends just so he can have a ride here, when he stays over and my suitemate ends up driving him home in the early morning anyways. she should just pick him up that night and leave him friends at home.
It is also just plain rude to come to someones place and trash it especially if they invited you! it was just so mean and i do not get why people act this way.

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