Monday, October 5, 2009

I thought RAs were students like you and me?

So the other day an Residence Assistant came to my suite and knocked on my door. I wasnt going to answer it because i was busy in my room. But my sister (who lives with me) opened it and that's when it all went down hill. I wished she didn't open the door. The RA was standing outside in the hall and looked into the suite as my sister opened the door. Before he stated his reason for knocking, he goes, "This is really not acceptable. there are a lot of illegal things in here..." as he peaks his head between the door and wall he snoops around and goes you can't have this and this and, yea we know but it was only there temporarily. He was so mean and rude about everything. I mean you know health and safety inspections are a joke. because everyone hides their fire hazards. I just could not take his tone he had with me. I mean common you are a student who is taking their job way to seriously. He wasnt even a RA in my building. We suitemates had their tapestry up we have additional furniture because there are six of us and are given a living room couch to sit 4. and we have a tv stand because they don't give us one, and we had streamers up on the wall because it was our suitemates birthdays the other day. He threatened us and said he was going to document us all and we are in big trouble even though we did get some approval on our furniture. but i guess all i can say is haha, too bad he didnt see our toaster!

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