Sunday, October 4, 2009

Last Night

Last night was pretty interesting. My friend who I live with kicked my roommate out of the car after they got into an argument. My roommate was getting annoyed at my friend because he kept repeating himself and eventually he just stopped the car and told my roommate to get out. It was a bit awkward. I don't even remember exactly what they were arguing about. Then, later that night, when my roommate finally gets home, my other friend who was visiting me for the weekend (we'll call him Dan) took over his bed. Dan went up to him and asked him if he was the kid who slept in my room. My roommate said said yeah, and Dan responds with "not tonight." So, needless to say, my roommate had a bad night. I kind of feel bad for him. My friends treated this guy really badly. It puts us in an awkward spot because we live with him. I just hope we can make amends with him after that.

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