Monday, October 5, 2009

monday grant nights!?

again i am here at ucafe... are we not meeting today? i mean i don't mind coming here and working. but i feel stood up! whatever i took 20 min to walk over here i mind as well stay here and work on my work. it is nice and warm in here and calming music and quiet with a couple of chatters here and there. the lighting is dim but i took a seat next to the stage, which is fully lit.
okay so today i went from having a crazy long list of things to do and now that I am half way done with it, i can start to cross a few things off. making this day easier.
I did go to class at 950 but after class i ate lunch and was suppose to get some homework done, but i had the worse stomach ache that i just didn't do anything and laid in bed and watched TV. then i felt better and went to the career center to get my resume looked at for the job fair i am going to on wed. then I went to class at 350. then I got dinner and went back to my room to get my laptop for our grant meeting. After this i was skipping the business leaders of stony brook club meeting, but i guess i can go to it at 7pm. then go to the first Habitat for humanities club meeting at 830 in roth.
I am very excited for all the community volunteer things i will be doing this semester.

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