Saturday, October 3, 2009


NCIS is one of those rare shows that all six members of my family enjoys. I think it's a god show but it's not one of those "let me drop everything I'm doing so I don't miss it" kind of shows. Instead it is regularly Tivo-ed in my house and when we all have a free minute at the same time, the new episode of the week is enjoyed. For those of you poor soles who have yet to enjoy this witty yet action packed show let me tell you a little about it. It's kind of like CSI except it involves the military in every case (one of the reasons my dad enjoys it so much). The team is made up of the wise all knowing Gibbs who does not show emotion yet drinks large quantities of black coffee, the goof ball frat boy Tony who eats a lot and comes off as not that smart but is usually useful in solving the safe, the geek Mcgee who is exactly that, a geek. One season they had him writing novels and buying porches (which was kinda weird). And the highly skilled Ziva who's future as a member of the team is currently up in the air. I am going to end this post now as I am watching NCIS and am missing it at this very moment.

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