Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pretentious Enough To Think You Might Care About My Opinion :) :) :)

My boyfriend and I were looking at NYT's favorite album covers of 2009 so far.
It inspired me to talk about some of my favorite music videos, right here on Blogger!

Probably my favorite music video is German Dancehall sensation Peter Fox's Alles Neu

Fox's use of masks in order to unify the Drumline is perfectly dramatic enough to match the strange violins throughout the song and I'm a huge fan of the "burning studio" motif. I believe it speaks about how our generation doesn't save things, we don't hold as many things dear to us as we used to. Instead we burn them or destroy them, or put them out on the streets. Is our generation taught to rid of things that aren't immediate to us, and that is why we're so cold to other human beings and would rather be on the computer or texting on the phone.

This one is a hidden gem. I'm doubtful [about many things] that this has had any radio play. I present Pogo's Alice

The artist, Pogo, is what I would call "Youtube famous". I imagine his name some day along with youtube icons Chris Crocker, Kelly, but I believe that Pogo is far more of an artist. He cuts and pastes sounds from movies and overlaps them, and mixes them with drum and string beats, but maintains a focus on the vocal quality of the film characters' intonations.

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE peter fox, his album was my favourite of 2008, actually. i was going to post 'der letzte tag' the other day, how funny. i can't believe someone else at stony knows of him!
