Sunday, October 4, 2009

3D Dorm Room!

Here's my sketch up of a typical dorm room at stony brook university! This is believe is a great example of what stony offers. You get a roommate, a cot, a dresser, a closet, and a desk. The set up i made is the best room. With the door in the middle you can easily split the room in half for you and your roommate. Most rooms have the door on one side and it automatically becomes impossible to rearrange furniture. and if you do not like your roommate you have to walk between them and their bed or squeeze between get the picture. I had a lot of fun creating this. let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Way cool! I used to play on Google sketch up all the time. Actually it was the tool I used to do my first drawings for my invention. You would dig this,

    would love to see one in in your revised edition! haha

    Keep writing and drawing

    Andrew G
