Monday, October 5, 2009

selfish depression

So I've mentioned before on here that I read Psychology Today & another article I came across that got me thinking was one about depression & how it's a selfish disease, & I think that's true. I understand sometimes people feel sad but with depression I feel like the person is so focused on their sadness/themselves that they don't care about how they act or what they say affects others which is ironic. In my life I just want to be okay with myself & comfortable in my own skin & feel like I'm a good person & I'm never going to be that into myself. I've been depressed before but I hate how self centered it makes people. I don't want to be like that. I also think that doctors are too quick to write prescriptions. I understand that some people need antidepressants but I don't think everyone that is on them does. Whatever happened to working your problems out yourself however hard it is? You can't take out the struggle to become the person that you really are in life.

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