It's Wednesday night, I am in my 3 hour entrepreneurship class and all I can think of is getting ready for Thursday night party! My class ended early since all we did was review for exam next week, and I am free until 3:50pm! So I come back to my apt and I plan out what is going on for tomorrow. Kelly is my suitemate who is also my best friend's cousin. She is turning 21, and my suitemates and I are throwing her a birthday bashh!... all our friends and her friends will be there.
Now its Thursday.... it is I woke up at 7:45AM. This was way early for me on a thursday morning since I do not have class until 3:50pm. What woke me up this early was Kelly's alarm clock! She wakes up early to run before class and I guess today she forgot to turn her alarm clock off! this means she will not be back until 8:15! that's 30 minutes of her alarm beeping! I could not fall back asleep! I turned my a/c on to muffle the sound, but it wasn't working. so I turned the TV on. and that worked a little. That's when I found out about OREO's Lil' rounders ice cream saucers at carvel free today 3-7pm for customer appreciation day, on the morning news. then 10 min later I hear the suitedoor open. It was Kelly! she remembered she left it on and ran back fast! haha. Now it is quiet i can go back to sleep....5 min later the fire alarm goes off! OMG.!
My whole building goes outside.. and later I find out that someone on the 1st floor was taking a shower and left the door open...
Now I was thinking of baking kelly's cake when she goes to class at 9:50AM.. to 11:30 but after a distrupted morning I just fell back asleep until 11am. Kelly came back from class and was watching tv and eating in the suite. Elise my other suitemate was going to decorate the room. We just needed to get kelly out of the apt! We forced her out because she wasn't leaving. As soon as she left I turned the oven on and we put streamers everywhere!... the place was so pretty. and the cake came out delicious.
Too bad we both had class at 3:50 and kelly wasnt back yet to see it! So we missed her reaction... but she texted us both with thankyouss!
Now I can't even sit in class...I am too anxious about the party. But good news, my exam got postponded! So now I come back to the apt. Kelly is sleeping and I wait for Deanne, my other suitemate to drive me to get the beers. .
We get the beers and go to carvel... now we are back to hang out with kelly until the party.
We made punch with vodka in a big cooler, and gave kelly her presents. She was so happy with everything and the party was so much fun!
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